Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Superficial Drug Addicts Anonymous D & K

"I feel like a literal re these days."
"Don't you just feel even more stupid than usual sometimes?"
"Yeah, I haven't smoked in forever though."
"Me either! If that's the reason then what have our lives come to?"
"I feel like all the thrill and happiness of life has been sucked out of me because I have no weed and no way to get weed."
"Jesus Christ...welp, time to kill ourselves."
"Can we please?"
"Yes, but we have to be tan first."


Edna said...

Long live D & K

wanna go to the beach?

Sprout & Bean said...

YES. Wanna come over early Sat morning and tan if it's sunny/nice?

Edna said...


Aunt Kitty said...
