I skipped class last week to visit Dylan, where he gave me a discount on a 60 cent macaroon. It was dry and not very good...karma?
This is me being the ugly 1/2 of an otherwise attractive couple before we went out.
This was Courtney's going away party. Aww.
And then on Sunday, Jared came over and made chow mein which was delicious but also made us sick because he didn't cook it enough even though he swears it was perfectly fine. He made up for it later, though. ;)
I made homemade Girl Scout samoa cookie bars. They didn't taste exactly the same, but they were yummy regardless.
Last night Courtney, Ian, Lauren, & Dyl came over to say goodbye one last time before Courtney leaves for New Zealand. She brought Samson, who I used to think was highly adorable until he shit on my rug.
Lauren, Dyl, Court aka Dylan's new "deef."
Summer better not ever end because once these babes go back to school, I'm going to be so miserable.