Monday, March 7, 2011


I miss Snapshot Sunday! I used to do them almost every week, but lately I've been too lazy. It's Monday...but...better late than never, right?

I worked early Sunday morning, where I was instructed to "seductively" harass customers to donate cans to the food bank.

Then I forced Jared to go to the zoo with me.

We went to Buttonwoord Park, where I pretended to ride a train.

There were approximately 4 animals in the entire zoo, but we got free passes for a future visit. HOWEVER there were these goats, and they put on quite a show for us.

After we left, we ordered Not Your Average Joe's to go and ate it outside. My salad and mustard crusted chicken were so very delicious.

After dinner, we went to Monster mini golf. I won. Except I cheated, so not really.

ALSO: 3 days til Jared and I leave for Niagara Falls/spring break/a week away from the hell that is Stop & Shop! I can't waiiiiiiit. I so need to get away, and it's even better that I get to go with my love. I won't even mind coming back too much, because I get to spend absurd amounts of time being unproductive members of society with Dylpie/Edna.

1 comment:

Edna said...

Lmfao, I really can't wait to be an ulcer on society.